Hours: Monday-Friday from noon-10pm Saturday from noon-6pm | Sunday from noon-8pm
News! (updated 2/10)
Lorcana on Saturdays - When you wish upon a star, dreams do come true! That's right, we're now hosting Lorcana play on Saturdays from 3-6pm. It's going to be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
MTG Commander on Sundays! - Join us for Commander on Sunday afternoons and evenings at the Common Room. Play is casual and begins around 4pm. Would you like to know more?
Star Wars Unlimited OP - We will be running weekly Star Wars Unlimited organized play on Sundays at 12:30pm. Use the Force, and bring your decks!
Yu-Gi-Oh on Sundays - Join us for competitive Yu-Gi-Oh play every Sunday. Play begins at 3pm. Incredible prize support!
Flesh & Blood TCG - Join us for Flesh & Blood organized play on Wednesdays at 6:00pm. Casual play, Armory events, and Skirmishes!
MTG Commander on Mondays and Thursdays - Are you looking for an opportunity for some casual Commander/E.D.H.? Then look no further! We are encouranging any and all to join us on Monday and Thursday evenings for casual play. Be there!
Pathfinder Society - Pathfinder is currently online only. Sign-up through Warhorn, a third-party website used for scheduling games. When you create your Warhorn account, make sure you change the default time in your account settings to Eastern Standard Time. More info on our Store Events page.
Wargaming Paint & Play - Every Tuesday beginning at 6:00pm, come on down and either paint some minis or play a game. Or both!! Join us for painting, shading, flocking and maybe even some dice rolling!!
D&D Adventurer's League - We are normally running D&D Adventurer's League organized play at the store every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening of the month at 6pm. Guarantee your spot at one of the tables by signing up via our website. Walk-ins will be seated as space allows. Details on our Store Events page.
MTG Modern Wednesdays! - We are now sanctioning a MTG Modern tournament beginning at 6:30pm every Wednesday. Bring your deck and come on down! Five dollar buy-in. Prizes!!
Friday Night Magic - Every Friday, we will be hosting a Booster Draft, and we will be drafting Aetherdrift. Registration begins at 6:00pm; play begins promptly at 6:30pm.
Board Game Day - Every Saturday, we host casual, pick-up board gaming. Many Saturdays we also host demoes of specific games. We encourage all board game enthusiasts to join our games library (a cool $25 annual fee grants you access to our ever-growing collection of the finest board games).
MTG Store Cube - We have built a pauper cube for drafting in the store, it's complete, and ready to use. Built using the Styborski card list, the cube will be available for $2 per person. We also have an "un"-cube, which includes cards from Unstable, Unhinged, and Unglued.
The Common Room, located at 223 S. Pete Ellis Drive in Bloomington (at the north end of Williamsburg Village)), strives to be the gamers' game store. We stock the best in collectible card games, roleplaying games, miniature-based games, board games, and gaming supplies. We also boast the finest gaming rooms in town and offer both a private gaming room and a common area for open and tournament gaming (event calendar). In addition, our games club and library give you ready access to many of the most popular tabletop games in the industry.
If you have any questions about our inventory or policies, feel free to contact us by phone at 812-333-GAME (4263), or via email at: ask [at] commonroomgames [dot] com.
Copyright © 2011- Common Room Games LLC
Contact : 812.333.4263 | store@commonroomgames.com